[Mobile]Reviewer H

Easy to sign contract, easy to use service
Quick and kind staff

It was helpful to get explanations and other details about the contract in easy and understandable words.

I used their SIM card service this time.

I never used the SIM card in foreign countries before, but even I could sign contract and use mobile phone in Korea.

Also, GTN staff responded to my all my questions quickly and kindly.

Thank you. 

※ Click above to get connected via WhatsApp 

JAPAN  03-4400-6290       KOREA  02-6082-5600

EMAIL   gtnhomes@gtn.co.jp
ADDR.   7F, 122, Jong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Global Trust Networks Korea Co., Ltd.

Corporate Registration Number   483-81-00975

Paid Job Introduction Service   서울청 유 제2019-8호

Telemarketing Business Number   제2022-서울종로-1754호

GTN Homes Real Estate Agency Co., Ltd.

Corporate Registration Number   615-87-02096

Brokerage Office Registration Number  11110-2022-00072

JAPAN  03-4400-6290       KOREA  02-6082-5600

EMAIL   gtnhomes@gtn.co.jp       ADDR.   7F, 122, Jong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Global Trust Networks Korea Co., Ltd.

Corporate Registration Number

Paid Job Introduction Service
서울청 유 제2019-8호

Telemarketing Business Number

GTN Homes Real Estate Agency Co., Ltd.

Corporate Registration Number 

Brokerage Office Registration Number